Links Insta Facebook Bandcamp Spotify Interview #7 1.What pedal or instrument you take for a mission to Mars? Am I only allowed to take one? If so, it would be difficult to leave earth without my Stratocaster. But then I'd be without an amp, delay and reverb pedals, and means of recording so I'd have to find some Martians with gear to produce my next record, which would almost certainly have to be space rock. 2.What album you take for a neverending moon travel? The Dark Side of the Moon. It fits thematically, but to be honest this would be my choice no matter where I was traveling. I never get tired of hearing this album and it always leaves me thinking, no matter how many times I've heard it. I would consider Pink Floyd's "Meddle" as well just because I think "Echoes" would be an amazing soundtrack for space travel. And I definitely have to bring some radiohead. If we're staying on theme, I'll go with "A Moon Shaped Pool". 3...